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Epic Adventure!

So begins a most Epic Adventure... one I have been on for a long time. They keep just getting better. It seems like all of them have been training and preparation for what is happening now. On June 22nd, Summer Solstice, I plan to be onsite in Nuka Bay at the land known as Petrof for the purpose of pure, wild, Alaska adventure and also as a way to be of service, to do something worthwhile in this world. Modeled after Alaska Pacific University's motto of "Adventure with a Purpose", we embark upon this Vision Quest to gain insight and clarity, to have the time of our lives and to learn to live life to the fullest. This is a Recon Expedition and a way to get away from it all. Mission: Paradise is all about Adventure - Stewardship - and Production. That is our purpose. The larger purpose began in 1991, "Being a catalyst in the uplifing of humankind through the establishment of an enlightened global society and sustainable ecological system that creates rather than destroys."

Three Epic Adventure Mountain Climb Filming Expeditions

O'malley DragonShoulder and Brown Mountain at Nuka Bay on the Gulf of Alaska

"Following the Path of the Indigenous" exploring the ancient ways of the Athabascan and Yupik People who subsisted in Alaska's harsh environments for thousands of years. We blend their wisdom and ways with cutting-edge technology in order to learn, experience and share the best of both worlds- nature and technology, wilderness and society.

This endeavor is sponosored by the Society for International Sustainable Development, a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation registered in the State of Alaska and Hawaii. The Articles of Incorporation state and Bylaws state that we are an organization to research and distribute educational information", specifically sustainable development of human and natural resources.


Marketing and Promo material

from Ranger Room storefront:

This O'Malley Mountain Climb is part of Alaska Ranger Training (ART) and is a pre-requisite to the Nuka Bay Expedition or Vision Quest to Petrof.

All Alaska Ranger Training adventure, stewardship, and production is part of of a model living and working and playing that is hereinafter referred to as ARTwork. ARTwork is for all ages, 3-83.

There are four major demographics which we specialize in for Training and Service: Children / Teens / Adults / and Elders

All Adventure / Stewardship / and Production processes are part of the SISD's 21 Principles of Sustainable Living. The Alaska Rangers are the primary research and development arm of the SISDnonprofit. Both are dedicated to Sustainable Development of Human and Natural Resources in a Holistic and Generative Way.

Explore - Discover - Document - and Share any or all of the following training, skills and life experience: Basic and Advanced Survival, Holistic Health and Renewable Natural Resources... Healing Arts, Martial Arts and Multi-media Production of all kinds- Writing - Photography - Video - Webwork - DVD authoring - Managing a Storefront and Global Marketing and Broadcast. Learn and Experience the way of the indigenous people of the world and embark upon world travel and indepedent filmmaking. Nurition - Fitness - Massage - Bodyworkd - Counseling and Career Development of your own or Team Business is part of the Alaska Ranger's Integrated Training

Practical and Esoteric Products & Services

O'Malley Peak $5000 DragonShoulder $1000 Brown Mountain $15000

Note: O'malley Peak Adventure and DragonShoulder Expedition are included in the Tuition Price paid for by those who sign-up for Brown Mountain. Brown Mountain is the Vision Quest to Petrof also known as the Nuka Bay Expedition.

No one is turned-away due to inability to pay. There are scholarships and work-trade available.

Membership: Members pay a fraction of the cost of non-members, from $500 per day down to a dollar per minute. Staff Members are paid anywhere from $100 a day plus expenses to more than a dollar per minute $60-$150 per hour or more.

Special Note: All of the above, this website, storefront, and operations, mission, vision, purpose and objectives are all for building a Retreat Centers in Alaska and Hawaii. These Retreat Centers are for Fun! They are for Service. And they are for Production that yields greater degrees of ability, skill and concsiosness for Survival, Holistic Health and Sustainable Living. The Golden Threat that weaves throughout all of this is Love, Freedom and Creativity.

The Alaska Rangers use the power of Love, Freedom and Creativity to cultivate ever-deepening degrees of connection, commuication and collaboration with Nature, People and the Great Mystery.

[Link to the Mystery]

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