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Workshops:  S ervices & Hands-on Training​

Hawaii & Alaska

There are several different types of workshops that I most enjoy offering and sharing with others. These are among the very best methods known in the world for survival, holistic living, and sustainable development of human and nature resources in a simple, generative way. Results are guaranteed the workshop is free. You may also call or write for a free sample.


Adventure Travel

​~Solo Journey

~Guided Trips


~Inner Planes Travel

Hone your survival & wilderness travel skills

Each of the above forms of Adventure are among the most exciting and fulfilling ways to hone skills of survival and to deepen your connection with Nature. "Communing with Nature..." according to Deepak Chopra is one of two ways to experience "...bliss, freedom and infinite creativity."

Movie-making and documentary production along with photogrpahy and journal writing really add to the quality and experience of adventure

Intuition Levels 1-5​

I. Unconscious
II. Semi-conscious

III. 100% reliable

IV. "on-the-fly"

V. "in the zone"

Tap-in to intuition with 100% degree of reliability

I use "Level II. Intuition" every day. I use "Level III. Intuition" for every major decision and most of the small ones since 1999.
Of all the training and services that I feel are most important for myself or for humanity, learning and being able to apply Level III. Intuition is "top-shelf" as Snowleopard used to say.

Way of the Shaman & Jedi

~Healing Arts

~Martial Arts
~Inner Planes Travel

~Inner Planes Communication
~Inner Species Communication


Shaman Training 101 is the "Golden Rule".


Jedi Training 101 is "When you quiet your mind, you will hear the Life Force speak to you."
Shaman and Jedi Training involves learning Intuition Levels I-V. Many different forms, disciplines, methods and philosophies are integrated into very powerful yet simple and applicable moves and techniques. This is a way of life for that one in a thousand person who recognizes they are "special", with special abilities they were born with or that just came to them. 

Assist Counseling


~Career / Financial





Learn the Art & Science of Production

Movie-making is so much fun, so exciting, and so rewarding. This is an excellent form of higher form of education. If you want to really learn about something. Make a movie of it!
The process is simple: Music- Story - Footage or any combination of the three. However, so powerful is the medium and so many are the possibilities, it's not easy. Few have been able to actually make a decent production- one that has lasting appeal.


~Writing - Photography - Video
~Documentary Production
~Books & Manuals

~Free On-demand Printing

Create your own global web presence!

Publishing has been a weekly endeavor since 1989. Travel and having great experiences are fun and rewarding. Sharing them makes it all the more worthwhile and provides a means to keep traveling!


Technology and communication now allow you to produce books, manuals, music, and video and sell them or give them away for little or no cost. We are here to show you how or do it for you.

Healing Arts

~Absent Healing
~ Assist Counseling
~Katsu for the Workplace

Absent Healing is considered the most powerful form of healing. Using prayer, imagination, shamanism and other proven methods, this ability allows you to send people love and light at a distance and even to help heal them better than hands-on.

Assist Counseling is like being a good friend who is a good listener yet with much more awareness and skill of what to do and not do in order to really help a friend, loved-one or client.

Katsu for the Workplace is a form of ancient Japanese Healing art and bodywork that takes less than ten minutes and effects the entire body: bones, muscles, organs and tissue. There are also built-in and powerful benefits to the mind, heart and soul.


Light Centers

~What are they?

~What are the benefits?
~How do I start one?

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