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I am an adventurer and a producer- a rebel and revolutionary. I work only for the Life Force. She has me assigned full-time to the Earth and all her creatures. Healing Arts, Martial Arts and Multi-media Production have been my primary themes for more than half of my life. Meditation, Intuition, and Creative Visualization are part of everyday activities, so is sharing these and other natural and super-natural abilities with others .


That is why I created this website, because I realize that I was not given all these adventures and amazing occurrences and abilities just for my own benefit.


"He who lives for himself alone, does not live." -Mequon Apache Principle


A team has formed to help me share some of the very best and most powerful of wisdom- knowledge and experience that may be utilized by virtually anyone anywhere. We want the entire human race to be free of tyranny, poverty, pollution and disease. I want people to experience a direct, personal connection to their Source, by whatever name and be prosperous and happy too.


Explore this site and you will discover many words, images and ways that promote freedom, enlightenment and prosperity. Some are free. Some cost a small fee. Spiritual stuff is free, so are some of the best gifts of Nature. However, if you want me to guide you into either realm, I am glad to charge top-dollar for it. No amount of money can come close to the value of direct experience with the worlds of Spirit and Nature.

Summit of Mauna Kea January 1st, 2012
End of US control of Hawaii

I was a gung-ho US Marine infantry soldier until I deserted my unit. We were the "President's Police Force" except he didn't know we were invading Lybia.

Playin the "flute" for my son (in the picture) aboard the Sailing Vessel "Windhover Falcon" prior to setting sail for my favorite destination on Earth, Nuka Bay, Alaska

These photos are placed here because they represent the manifestation of my wildest dream... to someday live wild and free in Nature. This sailboat helped me do it, and this was the place.

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