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Alaska Airborne Rangers


"Hurling brillina javelins of Light and Love into the deepest dark place to lift the splintered hearts of lonely ones." -motto since 1978 by Snowleoaprd

Alaska Ranger Training comes from the Alaska Airborne Rangers, an elite unit within Search & Rescue International. Actual rescue is less than 10% of what we do. The other ninety percent is play. And work becomes play you found your way.


There are few better forms of training than what Nature provides, especially in Alaska and Hawaii. Nearly every known climate on Earth is covered by one of these two paradise wilderness destinations. Yes, there is wilderness in Hawaii. There are vast expanses of uninhabited wilderness spread throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Alaska Hawaii Adventure... AHA! "Stewardship and Production for Sustainable Living and Development of Human and Natural Resources in a Holistic and Generative way. Generative goes beyond mere Survival and Sustainable Living to that of Thriving!

Thriving is a mindset and it also means Abunance..


"Abundance is being able to have, do or be whatever you want or need." -Bashar

The Alaska Rangers are a blend of the following organizations, training and hard-won life experience condensed into a single unit, ART. ART and ARTwork is an opportunity for kids of ages (children, teens, adults and elders) to experience the great outdoors of Alaska- the mountains, forest, ocean, lakes and streams. The objective is to live simply and holistically while fulfilling our wildest dreams:.

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