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Journey to Petrof 2021

So begins a new era of epic adventure into Alaska's remote wilderness along the Gulf Coast... Petrof otherwise known as "No Man's Land".  This is unsurpassed paradise on a good day and the fury of the North Pacific on a weather day.  Beautiful, vast and wild.

Native American Vision Quest

I have been providing Vision Quests since the early 1990's after learning from the late, great Apache Medicine Chief "Snowleopard.  He taught me how to connect with Great Spirit and Nature in a way that is lasting and growing.  Simultaneously I read the books of Tom Brown, Jr and explored all over Alaska applying what I was learning both academically and through direct experience.


A Native American Vision Quest with the Alaska Airborne Rangers is unique, challenging and rewarding.  Unlike historical or conventional Vision Quests, ours does not require suffering.  Natrue routinely and consistently provides exactly the lessons, challenges and revelations people need when given a chance.


Our job is to get you there and get you back while providing a simple, proven template to intend for, experience and better understand your Spiritual Quest in life, your mission, purpose and direction plus a lot more.

Basic & Advanced Survival

Basic & Advanced Survival is and has been a priority for decades.  Natural or Human disasters can happen at anytime.  More often, some of us get lost or are so far immersed into Nature and the wilderness that basic survival skills are used everyday all day long.


Basic Skills include Finding Food and Water / Shelter Building / Fire Building / Dangerous Animal Encounters / Finding Your Way When Lost / and Orienteering (Map and Compass Work).

Advanced Survival includes the above and a whole spectrum of highly effective and proven ways to acquire, hone and deepen Survival capability in any and all environments: urban, rural, remote, wilderness / Jungle / Arctic / Desert


All ages 8-83 / All Skill Levels / Instructor Training

Wilderness Base Camp Building

This is the most important endeavor right now for me personally and in terms of directing funds, staff, students and clients to my favorite place on Earth- Petrof, Alaska.  If I had a million-dollars right now, that is where I will go- four seasons with frequent trips back and forth to civilization in order to sustain enthusiasm while inspiring others to deepen their connection to Nature.


Once this basecamp is built and as it is being built, there is more and more opportunity for others to participate and enjoy the process and the unfolding of something truly amazing.  The raw, natural beauty and wildness of Petrof is well beyond description.  Only the experience can really do the place justice.  And yet, as most will never experience this or any place like it on Earth, part of our job and calling is to share the beauty, mystery and wildness with you regardless of where in the world you are.  Both are better, the photos, video and story along with the direct experience!  We provide both and the process just keeps getting better.

This is from an epic solo sailboat Journey to Petrof in 2001

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